Connect easily to your phone, enjoy watching TV, and hear clearly in busy settings—all with our easy-to-use connectivity options.
Easy Listening, Wherever You Are
Sometimes it’s hard to hear your best. Hearing your phone or TV clearly or understanding your friends in a busy restaurant can be a challenge. All of our audio processors are specially designed to connect easily to phones, tablets, microphones, and other audio devices. This brings sound straight to your ears and boosts your hearing when you need it the most.
On this page, you’ll find an overview of the many ways to connect.
With our behind-the-ear audio processors, streaming sound is easy with our SONNET series. Simply slide on AudioStream and enjoy direct wireless streaming from your phone or connect to AudioLink, our universal connectivity device. Our SONNET series audio processors also work with loop telecoil systems, neckloops, and more for extra flexibility.
FM Systems
Direct Audio Input

Just slide AudioStream onto your SONNET series audio processor and enjoy direct wireless streaming from your compatible device. With high-quality sound in true stereo, it’s ideal for listening to your favorite songs, chatting on the phone, and watching TV.

Make hands-free phone calls, stream sound from your TV, or hear your family clearly at dinner. AudioLink is a universal connectivity device and remote microphone that connects your SONNET or SONNET 2 audio processor to almost any media device.

Enjoy easy phone calls with a neckloop. They connect to your device via Bluetooth® and send the sound straight to your audio processor. And because they are worn around your neck, you can use them to make hands-free phone calls, too.

Hear more clearly in theaters, banks, museums, or anywhere that has a hearing loop. SONNET series audio processors have an integrated telecoil so that you can connect to induction loop systems at the touch of a button.

FM Systems
SONNET and SONNET 2 are designed for flexible connectivity using wireless systems such as the Roger™ 21 from Phonak. With this wireless receiver, you can easily connect to wireless microphones such as the Roger Pen or Roger Table mic.

Direct Audio Input
Enjoy great sound quality with a Direct Audio Input cable. Use it with the FM Battery Pack Cover to connect your SONNET or SONNET 2 with your phone, tablet, and more.

RONDO Series
It doesn’t matter which RONDO series audio processor you have: Connecting to your favorite devices is simple. With RONDO 3, you can connect wirelessly to your smartphone, TV, and other devices with the AudioStream Adapter or AudioLink. You can also choose from neckloops, FM systems, and more for RONDO and RONDO 2.
AudioStream Adapter
FM Systems
Direct Audio Input

AudioStream Adapter
Enjoy direct wireless streaming from compatible smartphones and tablets with RONDO 3's AudioStream Adapter. Streaming music, using the phone, watching TV: Enjoy music and speech in high-quality true stereo.

Make hands-free phone calls, stream sound from your TV, or even use it as a remote microphone. AudioLink is a universal connectivity device that lets you connect phones, tablets, TVs, and more to your RONDO 3 audio processor.

Connect your RONDO series audio processor to your device via a neckloop. They connect to your device via Bluetooth and send the sound straight to your audio processors. And because they are worn around your neck, you can use them to make hands-free phone calls, too.

Enjoy clear sound in public venues with telecoils and telecoil receivers. They connect to hearing loop systems in places like theaters and museums at the touch of a button.

FM Systems
Enjoy flexible connectivity to your RONDO series audio processor with the Mini Battery Pack and an FM system, such as Roger X from Phonak. With this wireless receiver, you can easily connect to wireless microphones, such as the Roger Pen or Roger Table mic.

Direct Audio Input
Send sound to your RONDO series audio processor from your audio device with the Direct Audio Input cable. This connects your audio processor to any device with a headphone jack, including a phone, tablet, or computer, via the Mini Battery Pack.

SAMBA Series
Our SAMBA series audio processors make streaming simple for VIBRANT SOUNDBRIDGE and BONEBRIDGE implant users. There’s SAMBA 2 GO, which sends sound wirelessly to the SAMBA 2 audio processor. And the Siemens miniTek* is a flexible connectivity option for the SAMBA audio processor.
Siemens miniTek

Enjoy easy streaming with SAMBA 2 GO. This optional assistive listening device connects to phones, TVs, tablets, and more and sends the sound straight to your SAMBA 2 audio processor. You can even make hands-free phone calls with SAMBA 2 GO, or use it with remote microphones and FM systems.

Siemens miniTek
Stream sound from your phone, tablet, TV, and more with the Siemens miniTek. Small and discreet, it connects to Bluetooth devices, FM systems, telecoil loops, and more to send sound to your SAMBA audio processor.
Whether it’s on the phone, in the classroom or just listening to your favorite podcast, ADHEAR makes it simple to connect to the sounds you love with Direct Audio Input.

Audio Input Cable
Connect your ADHEAR straight to your smartphone or tablet with the Audio Input Cable or use it with wireless systems to stream sound via Bluetooth. You can also use a Telecoil receiver to connect to hearing loop systems in public venues.

Getting Connected
Our easy-to-use guide shows all the connectivity options available and how best to use them.
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