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Latest EXPLOREMAGAZINE focuses on ever-present phenomenon of time and how it is constantly slipping through our fingers

Jul 7, 2017

May, 2017 — (Innsbruck, Austria) — MED-EL this week launched the latest issue of its flagship EXPLOREMAGAZINE, which aims to raise awareness about the importance of hearing loss through inspiring and extraordinary stories. In this edition, called EXPLORETIME, readers will discover the crucial role that time plays in our lives, and how it affects our decisions and structures our day.

EXPLORETIME features interviews with experts who provide their views on what time is, how we can make the most of it and why living in the ‘here and now’ is the key to a better quality of life. The interviews include an article with hearing implant recipient Donn Nisja from San Anselmo, California, USA, who shares his experience with hearing loss, and how receiving his cochlear implants so soon after losing his hearing helped to improve the surgery’s success and his journey back into the hearing world.

“The latest edition of EXPLOREMAGAZINE reflects on one of our most precious commodities, time, and explores topics ranging from the value of time through to the mystery of time travel,” said Bettina Benesch, editor-in-chief of EXPLOREMAGAZINE. “From the perspective of hearing loss, the magazine examines the role time plays in hearing implantation, including the right moment to receive an implant and how much time is needed for rehabilitation. We hope our readers enjoy their journey through time with EXPLOREMAGAZINE.”

The magazine takes a closer look at how children become familiar with time and what we, as adults, can learn from them in an interview with psychologist Dr Marc Wittmann, research fellow at the Institute of Frontier Areas in Psychology and Mental Health in Freiburg, Germany. Dr Wittmann notes that children have a much stronger awareness of the present, whereas adults need to plan ahead, which can distract from what’s happening in the moment.

Another topic tackled by EXPLORETIME is stress and the feeling many of us experience of never having enough time. Writer, Silvana Lins, goes in search of the inner calm and asks why stress is such a huge part of modern life and how we can learn to deal with it. The magazine also explores the stress those with a hearing impairment can feel while grappling with the demands of the hearing world.

To read about all this and more, visit www.medel.com/explore for the latest edition of the magazine.


Since 2014, MED-EL has been teaming up with journalists and illustrators from all over the world to produce EXPLOREMAGAZINE – a publication for people who are interested in extraordinary stories, new ideas and future developments. It’s a magazine about hearing with and without hearing implants…and simply enjoying life.

About MED-EL

Austria-based MED-EL Medical Electronics is a leading provider of hearing implant systems with 29 subsidiaries worldwide. The family-owned business is one of the pioneers in the industry. The two Austrian scientists Ingeborg and Erwin Hochmair developed the world’s first microelectronicmultichannel cochlear implant, now considered the modern cochlear implant, which was implanted in 1977. The cochlear implant was and remains the first replacement of a human sense, the sense of hearing. In 1990 the Hochmairs laid the foundation for the successful growth of the company when they hired their first employees. To date, the company has grown to more than 1,700 employees around the world.

MED-EL offers the widest range of implantable solutions worldwide to treat various degrees of hearing loss: cochlear and middle ear implant systems, EAS (combined Electric Acoustic Stimulation) hearing implant system and auditory brainstem implants as well as the world´s first active bone conduction implant. In July 2016, MED-EL acquired the technology for a novel non-surgical bone conduction system from the Swedish medical device company Otorix, further expanding the number of people who can benefit from innovative hearing technology and reinforcing MED-EL’s mission to overcome hearing loss as a barrier to communication. People in over 100 countries enjoy the gift of hearing with the help of a product from MED-EL. www.medel.com

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MED-EL Elektromedizinische Geräte Gesellschaft m.b.H.
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6020 Innsbruck
Phone: +43 5 7788
[email protected]
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UST.-ID-NUMMER: ATU 31722507


Doz. DI Dr DDr med. h.c. Ingeborg Hochmair

Press contact

Thomas Herrmann
MED-EL Medical Electronics
Fürstenweg 77a
A - 6020 Innsbruck
T: +43 5 7788-5182 
E:  [email protected] 